by Francesco Lucchese
Every action entails a consequence:
just like the flow of a river carves the mountains shaping the landscape, a simple gesture leaves a meaningful trace of its passage.
Francesco Lucchese was born in Messina in 1960 and obtained his Architecture degree at Politecnico di Milano in 1985. He started his career being awarded the 1st ADI prize with a folding chair project and he founded the studio Lucchesedesign in 1985 developing Architecture projects, interior designs and product design all over the world.
He works as art director and business consultant for internationally renowned companies also taking care of the company's strategic positioning. Meanwhile he proceeds his teaching activity for Politecnico di Milano, at the Faculty of Design.
“Looking at the past to design the present with ideas that foresee into the future”
This is architect Francesco Lucchese’s philosophy when it comes to design. His thirty-year professional experience guarantees a great know-how in every different aspect of the project.
This means that every single piece he creates is
the reflection of a deep and meaningful process that involves the study of colors, shapes, materials, textures.

“Improving Lifestyles
while Preserving The Environment.”
Ever since 1917 TOTO has worked towards a complete affirmation of its values of perfection and functionality all around the world.
Today, the company’s name is a synonym for quality and progress: TOTO always aims to define the philosophy of the whole “bathroom culture”.
“Take pride in your work,
Strive to do your best.
Quality and Uniformity,
Service and Trust,
Cooperation and Prosperity”:
This is TOTO’s motto, a meaningful representative of the company’s ideals.

“May The Wind Always Be at Your Back”
Alisei, also known as “ trade winds” because of the positive effects, they had on navigation, are synonyms for good omens.
Their constancy and uniformity mean reliability: this unique feature, together with the intrinsic dynamism of winds, suggests the creation of a concept based on vigorous yet sinuous designs.
New worlds can be discovered with the favourable help of these.

“Our Inspiration”
Every action entails a consequence:
just like the flow of a river carves the mountains shaping the landscape, a simple gesture leaves a meaningful trace of its passage.

“Our Aspiration”
Onward and upward:
when a tree has strong roots, it can aim at the sky.
The collection’s design can be interpreted as a motivation to keep striving for something that is higher and better, an approach that is in line with TOTO’s ideals.